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Arca de Darwin

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better", Albert Einstein

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better", Albert Einstein

Arca de Darwin


Notas do discurso de Jacinda Ardern, primeira-ministra neozelandesa, na ONU

Arca de Darwin

Vale bem a pena ver e ouvir todo o discurso que Jacinda Ardern, 38 anos, proferiu na sede da ONU há dois dias. Em baixo estão algumas das declarações mais relevantes sobre questões ambientais, mas não só. Infelizmente, Ardern falou para uma sala quase vazia. Enquanto ouvia o discurso ocorreu-me que por cá temos um Governo que recorreu da suspensão da licença para prospecção de petróleo no Algarve, e um juiz que acha que "a ilicitude não é elevada" quando dois homens violam uma mulher desmaiada.

"Any disintegration of multilateralism – any undermining of climate related targets and agreements – aren't interesting footnotes in geopolitical history. They are catastrophic.In New Zealand we are determined to play our part. We will not issue any further offshore oil and gas exploration permits. We have set a goal of 100% renewable energy generation by 2035, established a green infrastructure fund to encourage innovation, and rolled out an initiative to plant one billion trees over the next 10 years. (...)


Jacinda Ardern e o marido com a filha ao colo, na ONU. The Guardian

In the Maori language there is a word that captures the importance of that role – Kaitiakitanga. It means guardianship. The idea that we have been entrusted with our environment, and we have a duty of care. For us, that has meant taking action to address degradation, like setting standards to make our rivers swimmable, reducing waste and phasing out single-use plastic bags, right through to eradicating predators and protecting our biodiversity. (...)


Tweet do marido de Jacinda Ardern

If we want the Council to fulfil its purpose of maintaining international peace and security, its practices need to be updated so it is not hamstrung by the use of the veto. (...)It seems surprising that in this modern age we have to recommit ourselves to gender equality, but we do. And I for one will never celebrate the gains we have made for women domestically, while internationally other women and girls experience a lack of the most basic of opportunity and dignity.Me Too must become We Too. We are all in this together. (...)If I could distil it down into one concept that we are pursuing in New Zealand it is simple and it is this. Kindness.In the face of isolationism, protectionism, racism – the simple concept of looking outwardly and beyond ourselves, of kindness and collectivism, might just be as good a starting point as any. (...)"

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